By using the sleeves of the EXOGEN Wearable Resistance Upper Arm Sleeves , it is possible to achieve an optimal load for fast and durable arm training. Weight near the shoulder is a safe option. The handpieces are available in pairs and allow for a light load around the upper arm, right near the shoulder joints. With the right weight placement, the shoulder rotation required for species-like movement can be strengthened.
Exogen® Upper Arm Sleeves
- Remove the label cover, open the labels and turn the adhesive strips back onto the fabric
- Determine the right side by looking at the white label attached between the straps.
- Make sure that the fold of the sleeve is aligned with the back of the forearm
- Slide the sleeve up above the elbow
- Close the labels in a comfortable position
- Attach weights (recommended to start with light weights)
- Practice as usual!
This package includes:
- Compression suit
- Series of Fusiform weights (total weight depends on the selected size)
- Rollup carrying case
The design is unisex in size, XS - XXL. The EXOGEN garment is designed to fit snugly on your body, so the size depends on the dimensions of your body.