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The Science of Exogen®

Read more:

Marriner, CR, Cronin JB, Macadam, P, & Story, A. The effect of wearable resistance on power cleans in recreationally trained males, Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 2018.

Macadam, P, Nuell, S, Cronin, JB, Diewald, S & Neville, J. Thigh positioned wearable resistance improves 40m sprint performance: A longitudinal single case design study, Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 2019.

Macadam, P, Chau, A, Cronin, J. “Wearable resistance acutely enhances club head speed in skilled female golfers”, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 2019.


Field, AP, Gill, N, Uthoff, A, and Plews, D. “Acute Metabolic Changes with Lower Leg-Positioned Wearable Resistances during Submaximal Running in Endurance-Trained Runners”, Sports (Basel), 2019.

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